Monday, August 17, 2015

Misters 2015 The Pageant Official Sash Presentation

Yesterday afternoon, the Official Candidates of Misters 2015 The Pageant were formally presented individual sashes to signify their participation in this year’s edition. Twenty-one (21) of the thirty hopefuls were around to receive, save for most entries of the various Filipino Communities abroad, three of the Visayan reps and the Butuan City bet who couldn’t make it due to a previously-scheduled commitment.
The candidates were visibly elated after getting sashed by Mister International 2014 Neil Perez. And right after the photo ops and all, they were immediately led to their first dance rehearsal. The number will be used for the scheduled TV guestings and special events.

It’s going to be a long and arduous road to the September 13 finals, but all the Misters are ready for it!

Report By Norman Tinio of

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